Take life one step at a time
Take time to breathe, to pause and experience life at ground level, seeing with calmer eyes and breathing with a stranger's comforting breath.
Look forwards, not backwards.
Look around you as you stand in the peace of nature.
See life as a continuous cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth.
Take time to just be - to struggle is counter-productive - energy comes from stillness and balance.
To breathe is to live and to live is to breathe; we do not decide to breathe, it is a part of our being
Breath was breathed into us before birth - in our mother's womb we breathe in water (in symbiotic fluid), and in birth we learn to breathe again the air.
When life expires the breath we breath in our bodies does not stop; it carries on in the air, the earth breathes, the animals breathe, the flowers and the trees breathe and we are part of that continuous cycle of life and energy
So when you have time to pause take note of the wonder of your breath and the miracle of your connection.
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