
Monday, 21 December 2015

The Power of Thought

The power of thought put man on the moon
Ideas and inventions are possibilities that start as thoughts.
Mankind and womankind has achieved great things and overcome great obsacles with the power of thought;
Nelson Mandela was a great example of this when he trained his mind not to accept that he was a prisoner just because he was in a prison cell. They imprisoned his body but they could not hold his thoughts.

Athletes use the power of their thoughts to believe that they can achieve.
People who are seriously injured and told they will never walk/talk/move again, use the power of thought to overcome impossible odds and prove that they can overcome physical limitations.

In every day life we use the power of thought to overcome other obstacles such as depression, anxiety, stress, family troubles, physical and mental health issues.

From the power of thought comes inspiration, intuition and hope, sometimes not from within but from our guides - either a quiet whisper or a more insistent voice to get our attention.

The power of thought can turn your life around; you can decide to change your life, your circumstances and your future by deciding that it will change; the thought comes first and the thought initiates an action which causes change.

At the end of 2015, if there are aspects of your life that you would like to change, use the power of your thoughts to create your future.

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