
Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Resistance to Success

Why do we resist success? There are many reasons but for me it comes down to fear. Fear of success and not being able to keep 'coming up with the goods', fear of trying  something new (like setting up a website and blogging) and not being a success. Fear of putting myself and my ideas out into the ether for others to see and judge.
 What I keep forgetting is that I need to be able to try new ideas and allow myself to 'fail' or 'succeed' in order to develop as a human being and learn more about my reason for being here on the earth in a physical body.
Failure and success are, after all, a very personal idea based on our individual values. One person's measure of success may be to have all the things money can buy while someone else may see success as having the respect of their peers. Everyone's idea of success and failure is different because each one of us is unique.
So this morning I decided to stop the fear by checking in with my body and concentrating on the physical aspect rather than the mental torture I was inflicting on myself. I went for a swim and an hour later I was able to put things a little more in perspective: I might succeed or fail but I'm having fun just trying something new that I'm passionate and good at. What about you?

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